Using Parser as a standalone interpreter

/path/to/parser3 script_file
x:\path\to\parser3 script_file

You can use Parser to interpret scripts with no web-server running. In this case you will just need to run Parser in command line with parameter-name of script to be interpreted. In this case, current directory will be considered web-space root.

Errors will get into standard error stream, which can be redirected to needed file:

command 2>>error_log

Note: do not forget to clean it up between whiles.

When working under UNIX, one can also take standard approach, which is specifying path to interpreter in script's first line:

#your code
Check: ^eval(2*2)

Note: do not forget to set attributes allowing owner/user group to run the script. It can be done with:
chmod ug+x file

Copyright © 1997–2021 Art. Lebedev Studio | Last updated: 27.01.2021