split. Splitting a string

^string.split[delimiter;splitting options]
^string.split[delimiter;splitting options;column name]

The method splits
string into substrings using delimiter substring and creates an object of class table, containing:
·either a table with single column, where it places the resulted parts,  
·or a nameless table where resulted parts are columns of single row.  

Splitting options include:
l-split from left to right (default);
r-split from right to left;
h-form nameless table with resulted parts placed horizontally;
v-form table with single column, where resulted parts are placed vertically (default).

The name of column for vertical split-"
piece" or the column name passed as a parameter.

Example of using vertical split
$str[Strangers in the night…]

The code in the example will create file
parts.txt containing…

Strangers in 

Example of using horizontal split
$parts.0, $parts.1, $parts.2

, a, b

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