
Colorer for Parser scripts

[October 06, 2003]

This class is designed for coloring Parser scripts.
It can be useful for those who make sites and forums dedicated to Parser.

How to use:


Class itself:

## ipColorer
## version 1.0
## Copyright (c) 2003 by Oleg Volchkov
## e-mail:

## Class's constructor
## aStr          String with Parser code.

## Class's constructor.
## loads file and processes received string.
## aFileName      name of file containing code in Parser.

## returns modified string.

## Returns modified as table (split into lines).
## It is useful if you want to provide line numbers.

## The method to color the code.
## Calls local methods for different types.

# Mark and "cut out" comments replacing them with unique identifier.
  $lComB[^_str.match[(\^^rem{ .*? })][gx]]
    $_str[^_str.match[\^^rem{ .*? }][gx]{/%b$lUID%/}]

  $lComL[^_str.match[^^(\# .* )^$][gmx]]
    $_str[^_str.match[^^\# .* ^$][gmx]{/%l$lUID%/}]

# HTML-tags
  $_str[^_str.match[(</? \w+\s? .*? /? >)][gx]{^_makeHTML[$match.1]}]

# Service constructions
  $_str[^_str.match[^^(@ (?:BASE|USE|CLASS) )^$][gmx]{^_makeService[$match.1]}]
# Methods definitions
  $_str[^_str.match[^^(@ [\w\-]+ \[ [\w^;\-]* \] (?:\[ [\w^;\-]* \])? ) (.*)^$][gmx]{^_makeMethodDefine[$match.1;$match.2]}]
# Method calls
  $_str[^_str.match[(\^^ [\w\-\.\:]+)][gx]{^_makeMethodCall[$match.1]}]

# Variables
  $_str[^_str.match[(\^$ \{? [\w\-\.\:]+ \}?)][gx]{^_makeVar[$match.1]}]

# Brackets

# Completing comments

# Processing language syntax...

  ^if(^aStr.left(2) eq "##"){
    $result[<font color="$_colors.inParser"><i>$aStr</i></font>]
     $result[<font color="$_colors.comment"><i>$aStr</i></font>]

  $result[<font color="$_colors.html">$aStr</font>]

  $result[<font color="$_colors.service">$aStr</font>]

  $result[<font color="$_colors.brackets">$aStr</font>]

  ^if($aStr eq "^$result"){
    $result[<font color="$_colors.result">$aStr</font>]
    $result[<font color="$_colors.var">$aStr</font>]

  $result[<font color="$_colors.methodDefine"><b>$aStr</b></font>^_makeComment[$aAdd]]

## Separating built-in methods calls from user methods calls
  ^if($_reservedWords.[^aStr.mid(1)] || ^aStr.left(6) eq "^^MAIN:" || ^aStr.left(6) eq "^^BASE:"){
    $result[<font color="$_colors.reservedWord">$aStr</font>]
     $result[<font color="$_colors.methodCall">$aStr</font>]

## Defining service variables

# Colors

# Reserved words
Download: (07.10.2003  1.7 KB)
Colorer for Parser scripts.